
What's killing children in the PACIFIC?

One of the leading causes of death for children is not what you might expect – it’s dirty and unsafe water.

Roll over the image to spot the killer.

Dirty water is killing children in the PACIFIC

Dirty and unsafe water is a major contributor to diseases like diarrhoea. And for children, it can lead to dehydration, malnutrition, and even death.

Access to clean water is a basic human right, yet many communities in Kiribati and the Solomon Islands lack sufficient access to this life-giving resource.

You can help today! Because just $5 a month helps bring water to a child in the Pacific, a regular donation of $30 can help 6 children.

See the impact you can have

Your $30 monthly donation can bring 6 children clean water in the Pacific.

boys walking for waterboys

Your support today will help stop children walking for hours just to collect water for their families.

1 in 10

deaths for children under 5 years is linked to diarrhoea in Kiribati. (Approx) 1

1 in 14

deaths for children under 5 years is linked to diarrhoea in
Solomon Islands. (Approx) 2


of school children In Solomon Islands, have clean, safe water. (Approx) 3


of households in Kirbati have access to clean, safe water. (Approx) 4

1 in 10

deaths for children under 5 years is linked to diarrhoea in Kiribati. (Approx) 1

1 in 14

deaths for children under 5 years is linked to diarrhoea in
Solomon Islands. (Approx) 2


of school children In Solomon Islands, have clean, safe water. (Approx) 3


of households in Kirbati have access to clean, safe water. (Approx) 4

1 UNICEF. Situation Analysis of Children in Kiribati. December 2017
2 UNICEF. Situation Analysis of Children in Solomon Islands. December 2017
3 JMP WASH, 2020
4 2023 Kiribati Water Quality Report

Solomon Islands

Tell me about the Solomon Islands

The Solomon Islands is home to around 740,000 people across 992 islands. ChildFund works with communities in Napir Village in Temotu Province which is located at the far east of the Solomon Islands. The province is made up of three islands - Santa Cruz, Reefs Island, and the Duff Islands (Outer Islands).

What are the challenges?

Children here walk for almost two hours a day to find clean, safe drinking water. Which means they are missing out on an education and a chance to play and learn like all children should.

There is no shortage of water from natural springs on the island - especially on the beach. But without sanitation facilities in the villages, the sea is used for toileting and bathing which risks contaminating freshwater springs on the beach. Water sanitation issues often lead to sickness like diarrhoea and vomiting.

What impact will my donation have?

In Solomon Islands, we’re working with local partners and communities to:

  • Rehabilitate a water pipe and pump system that'll provide water to 3,000 people in 18 communities as well as the local school.
  • Complete the build of a toilet block at the local school in Napir Village to improve sanitation and help children and families stay healthy.

With your generosity, even more children today can get much-needed access to safe drinking water and improved sanitation. Through a monthly donation, you’re ensuring these projects can roll out successfully and scale up to help even more children.



Tell me about Kiribati

Around 116,300 people call Kiribati (pronounced Ki-ri-bas) home. A beautiful island country located in the central Pacific Ocean - it's made up of 33 islands and atolls (20 inhabited) scattered over a vast area of ocean in the heart of the Pacific. The low-lying nature of the islands and atolls makes Kiribati one of the most vulnerable countries to the effects of climate change.

What are the challenges?

A 3-year drought and lack of clean water makes getting safe drinking water a daily struggle. Kiribati has the highest child mortality rate in the Pacific with approximately 1 in every 10 deaths linked to diarrhoea. Frequent king tides (where ocean water washes over the islands) salinate the groundwater, which is just 1-2 meters beneath the surface, making it salty and unsafe to drink.

Many families rely on a public water pipe, which is rationed to only 5OL every three days - an inadequate supply which must be boiled for safety. This sees children combing the beaches for scarce driftwood to build fires to boil water, often at the expense of attending school.

What impact will my donation have?

In Kiribati, we’re working with local partners and communities to:

  • Provide families with 10L Solvatten units that use solar energy to purify water in just a few hours. Each unit can provide 6,000L of safe drinking water every year.
  • Install 75L solar powered distillation tanks at pre-schools, schools and community centres - giving children access to clean safe drinking water every day.
  • Build rainwater harvesting infrastructure (roofs and gutters) to capture precious, albeit infrequent rain.

With your generosity, even more children today can get much-needed access to safe drinking water and improved sanitation. Through a monthly donation, you’re ensuring these projects can roll out successfully and scale up to help even more children.


Help bring clean, safe water to children in the Pacific today!

Because just $5 a month helps bring water to a child in the Pacific, a regular donation of $30 can help 6 children.

Stories from the Pacific

Your generosity is already helped bring clean drinking water to children in the Pacific. How many children can you support?


Who is ChildFund?

Since 1938, ChildFund has been working alongside communities
around the globe to help children flourish. Through genuine partnership with local organisations and communities, we build programmes that last, that help children, young people, and their communities move past dependence on others and flourish.

Why should I donate monthly?

Creating lasting impact requires sustained effort. A regular gift or recurring donation allows ChildFund to plan ahead with confidence and ensure children and their communities receive the ongoing support they need.

How do I know the impact I'm having?

Becoming a regular donor makes the world of difference. We will keep you up to date with impact updates to let you know about the amazing work that you've supported.

As a regular donor, you can expect to receive:

  • 📋 Quarterly impact reports – so you know exactly how your donation is helping to bring clean, safe drinking water to children in the Pacific 
  • 💌 Regular updates from our local partners and the children in their communities 
  • 📃An annual tax receipt so you can claim your donation tax rebate at the end of the financial year 
Is my donation tax deductable?

Yes. If you qualify, you can claim a 33.33% tax credit on a donation of $5 or more.

As a regular donor, you will receive an annual tax receipt at the end of the financial year.
